Bakersfield Merced County Events Bakersfield Merced County Events

Bakersfield Music Hall of Fame


Bakersfield Music Hall of Fame

Kim McAbee-Carter

2231 R. Street Bakersfield

For more information call: (661) 864-1701

See our website at: - - - -

Honoring our historical music heritage while working to enhance and promote local artist and young children. The facility is available to rent for special occassions, conferences, private parties and special events. This unique theatre hosts live concert performances from an A+ rated sound theatre.

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Merced Merced County Events Merced Merced County Events

Kiddieland in the Applegate Park next to the Merced Zoo

Kiddieland:  Fun for the whole family!

Kiddieland hours of operation

Kiddieland is open to the public on weekends from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. annually, usually from late March or early April through October with three exceptions; the park is closed on Easter Sunday, Mothers Day, and the weekend the Merced county fair is going on.

Plan a birthday party at Kiddieland

Kiddieland can be reserved for Birthday Parties from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm on Saturday or Sunday.

Kiddieland offers six rides:

  • The now famous train ride

  • Car ride

  • Merry-Go-Round

  • Helicopters

  • Rocket Ships

  • Go-Gator Roller-coaster

Kiddieland also has a convenient snack bar available offering a reasonably priced assortment of family favorites.

Bring your kids and grandkids

The whole family will enjoy Kiddieland in Applegate Park next to the Merced Zoo.  Plan a visit and have fun at the Merced Zoo along with a picnic in the Applegate Park.  

Kiddieland is operated by the Kiwanis Club of Greater Merced.  Click here for more information.

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Merced Merced County Events Merced Merced County Events

"Only What you can Carry"

“Only What You Can Carry”

bring only what you can carry

bring only what you can carry

The orders came down in 1942, striking fear into the hearts of Japanese-Americans of Merced County and Northern California. The children were unsure of their futures and their parents secreted the harsh realities from them. The families were told to abandon their homes and bring only what they could carry and report to the Merced Assembly Center at the County Fairgrounds.

By Executive Order 9066, signed on February 19, 1942, Japanese-Americans would be interned against their will. After suffering through the heat of the summer, the families were relocated to Amache, Colorado- some incarcerated for the duration of WWII.

concertration camp

concertration camp

History of Merced Assembly Center Commemorative Committee (MACCC)

In the spring of 2008, Congressman Dennis Cardoza, (D-18th District) requested the Livingston-Merced and Cortez chapters of the Japanese-American Citizens League (JACL) to work on a monument to commemorate the 4,669 Americans of Japanese ancestry detained at the Merced Assembly Center located in the Merced County fairgrounds. The Commemorative Committee and its Advisors with the support and help of many people have worked 2 years on making the Memorial a reality.

Unveiling and Dedication of the Merced Assembly Center Memorial

japanese wall

japanese wall

The Memorial was unveiled and dedicated on February 20th, 2010. The event was a huge success thanks to the support of many individuals, the Merced County Fair Board, Merced Country Supervisors, Civic Groups, and the Community. Around 1,500 people attended the Dedication and 875 people attended the Dinner.The Committee continues seeking grants and donations to help finance this $300,000 project. Future endeavors will involve educating the public about the significance of this incarceration in America’s history.

Come visit the Merced Assembly Center Memorial

Merced County Fairgrounds, 900 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Merced, CA 95341.

assembly center

assembly center

For more information about the Memorial or information on guided classroom or group field trips

Merced Assembly Center is on facebook (click here)

please contact: Bob Taniguchi (209) 631-5645

or Patti Kishi (209) 769-7543

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Merced Merced County Events Merced Merced County Events

The Merced County Library



Merced County Library

Amy Taylor, County Librarian

2100 O Street Merced

For more information call:(209) 385-7478

See our website at: - - -

The Merced County Public Library, rural and small, seeks to be an integral part of its community by providing all residents with a balanced range of resources and activities, meeting educational, cultural, and recreational needs.

The Library serves as the center for lifetime learning and enjoyment.

A knowledgeable Library staff provides high-quality reader's guidance and research and assistance using local resources and interlibrary materials and services.

The friendly environment of the facility promotes maximum resource utilization.

Serving you with over three million...Books, DVDs, audio books, downloadable books, music CDs, software and video games available!

Three million items

Valley Cat is the online catalog used by all the libraries which are members of the San Joaquin Valley Library System.

Valley Libraries

These libraries include Merced County Library, Fresno County Library, Coalinga Huron Library District, Kings County Library, Kern County Library, Madera County Library, Mariposa County Library, Porterville Public Library and Tulare County Library.

When you have a library card at one the San Joaquin Valley libraries, you are entitled to borrow materials from any of the libraries in the San Joaquin Valley Library System, or SJVLS.  Merced County Library card holders may check out up to 25 items on their cards and request up to 30 items from the libraries in the SJVLS.

This means access to over 3 million total items.

valley cat front page

valley cat front page

The Valley Cat online catalog

Borrowers may access their library card accounts from Valley Cat and see the titles and number of items checked out, view the status of their requests, see if they owe any fines and renew their items, using their library card numbers, which are found on the front of their cards.

Each borrower also has a four digit personal identification number, or PIN which is needed to access an account.  Borrowers are encouraged to select a PIN that is easy to remember.

The same PIN may be used by all members of a household if desired. The PIN is chosen by the borrower at the time of creating the account.  PINS may not be changed online.

Order from your

The Valley Cat online catalog can be accessed from your own computer by going to and then scrolling down and clicking on Online Catalog.

You may search Valley Cat without logging into your account, but if you log in, you are ready to automatically request items and create a list of titles for future reference, sort of like a wish list.

Books, DVDs, audio books, downloadable books, music CDs, playaways, software and video games are available through Valley Cat.

Seven databases

There are seven databases available for use as well as a newspaper index through Valley Cat.  The databases are:  Ancestry, Chilton’s, Infotrac, Learning Express, Newsbank and Reference USA. If you are accessing these databases from home, you will be asked to log in with your library card and PIN number.



Sometimes a borrower searches Valley Cat from home and finds what seems to be the perfect item needed for his or her project, sees that it is checked in, writes down the title, call number or letters and rushes to the library to pick it up, only to discover that it does not belong to a Merced County library, but perhaps to a library in Fresno County.

There is a way to isolate your search so that you only find items in Valley Cat that belong to a certain library.  Once you are on Valley Cat’s site, click on Search, then Keywords with Limits.

Enter your search term, then select your choice of location in the box below.

More questions?  Please contact the library at 209-385-7643. We are here to help!

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Atwater Merced County Events Atwater Merced County Events

The Atwater Historical Society was formed in 1972 in response to the challenge of keeping the Bloss Home for the community.


Bloss Home

The Atwater Historical Society was formed in 1972 in response to the challenge of keeping the Bloss Home for the community.

The house was willed to the City of Atwater by George Bloss, Jr. with the provision that his wife Christine reside in the home until her death. When this occured in December of 1971 the city was at a loss as to what to do with this property.

Several older citizens of Atwater banned together to form the society and go to bat (so to speak) with the city to make sure the house was not sold or razed.



The society incorporated in December of 1972 and the specific purposes of the corporation are to collect, maintain, protect, preserve, and research items of historical significance to the City of Atwater and the surrounding area.

The main Purpose

The main focus for many years by the membership has been to restore the house and keep the historical records maintained. The restoration should be complete in another two to three years.

The society also hopes to be able to landmark other historic buildings and homes in Atwater. We have an active and lively membership who help with docent tours of the museum on the first and third Sunday of each month as well as being involved with the community.

We welcome all who wish to join us in these efforts as new perspectives and fresh ideas are always important.

Information on becoming a member is available by either calling the museum at:

357-6309 (please leave a message) or e-mailing us at

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