Merced County Events

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M-DOGS (Merced Dog Owners Group)

M-DOGS (Merced Dog Owners Group)

Leader: Marilynne Manfredi

Address/City 505 Mustang Court

For Information Call: (209) 631-3235

For Information Email:

Website of Organization:

M-DOGS was created to lead the City of Merced in building a Dog Park on the corner of R St. and Yosemite Ave.

Our foremost responsibility is to raise money to fill the dog waste bag dispensers, but we also work with the other dog rescues and dog related organizations to raise awareness and educate the public about responsible dog ownership.

Come visit the Small Dog Park or All Dog Park and you and your dog will make new friends!

Become a member of M-DOGS and help keep our dog bag dispensers full!